Wednesday, March 25, 2020

my own homemade homepage that is fun to see

Welcome to my homepage


My name is Bryan Seaw Jia Sheng. First and foremost, let's ask ourselves this very question ; who doesn't enjoy being themselves everyday? Who doesn't like to do the things they truly love doing the most? For me, I enjoy spending my time watching movies and coding to create a website. People around me tend to say that I am a lazy person. I don't blame them because I cannot hide the truth about myself. My mom knows I am a lazy person but she didn't give up on me because with just the right amount of discipline instilled within me. I can finally learn to take responsibility of what I am doing and eventually learn to prioritise what I must do when I finally reached adulthood. 

We must not try to hide ourselves for who we truly are because that would make us look like a fake and ungrateful person. There are two ways we can deal with this situation: the first is to run away from our problems or we can run into our problems to try and stop it. Before you start choosing, I need you to remember this for yourself only. Know where your strengths and weaknesses lie so that you can have the ability to solve your problems before you start creating them. Do no let your problems overcome you, you overcome them.

Stay indoors as soon as possible to 
avoid contact with the virus



I love having a laptop because I can do many things with a laptop. Among many of these reasons I am sure many of you know:
  •  Watching movies through Netflix on my laptop
  •  Listening to music everyday
  •  Finishing up my day-to-day homework such as my website
  •  Doing my research on what I don't understand
I like to thank my mom for giving me this golden oppportunity to have this laptop with me by my side so that i can make my life and everyone's lives around me easier when it comes to getting the job done. I enjoy using the laptop for my own use but I must not misuse my laptop for secret agendas which my mom may not be aware of. hence, it is important to make sure that I keep my laptop in good condition and hopefully, I don't end up going against what I said .


I love movies because they show me different perspectives of life by conveying visual work and morphing them into a piece of art. There are good movies and there are also bad movies. Making bad movie is simple and esay. All you need to do is hire the wrong people for the job and they will do their best to destroy your image and career by making a mess out of the movie. Let's say Disney has decided to hire Micheal Bay for the task of directing a Disney film. While he may be an expert in getting the action right. However, he will fail at conveying a story being told because of his focus in action. He tries to make the action stand out more than the story and characters. As a result, it becomes a bland and uninspired film, examples are Transformers.

Looking back i did not hate this movie 
but the sequels.. i laughed at them

On the other hand, while I enjoy critisizing bad movies. I also enjoy watching movies such as Marvel movies as well as crime thrillers and detective stories. One of my personal favourite detective films that i have seen are Knives Out, The Dark Knight and Catch Me If You Can. Although some of these stories follow a formula that always work in detective stories. These films are here to vindicate that we can always change the tired formula and it will still be a fun time at the movies. These movies remind me of what fun we will have when watchig these movies with a set of colourful characters that come bouncing out on the screen to taking twists and turns that elevate the drama and tension of the movie. Hence, further increases the conflict of certain characters until it reaches its breaking point.

Catch me if you can

Knives out

The Dark Knight

I will be doing an analysis on certain films that i like to try to understand where their strengths and weaknesses lie. If you want to check out one of my recent movie analysis. Check out my Whiplash analysis which is one of my favourite rewatchable movies. Please do check it out and please stay indoors for god's sake. Please quarantine and isolate yourself from crowds or else you may or get infected by the CoronaVirus. Now, HantaVirus has arrived and at the same time we now facing two enemies as a result of our stupid behaviour.

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